Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I originally composed this: Wednesday, October 28th 2009 at 2:18am ...
I have a lot on my mind tonight and want to know ... Have you ever had those days where you can't seem to do anything right, no matter how much you try? 

The agony of defeat is a strong vibe. It can literally break your spirit. In the moment of your brokenness, knowing that you are doing the best that you can and you’ve already given more than 100% (at least you think you did) … only to find that no matter how well you think you are doing, some kind of fault is always going to present itself and you find yourself in a tailspin, no win situation (not even an explanation will help on your behalf).

How many of you have actually contemplated quitting your J.O.B.? I think we all have those days from time to time. For some; you encounter that feeling more than normal … have you seen that “fine” line? I mean … have you really seen “that fine line” and wonder if you could survive the step over? How do some people cross that line everyday and not fall. Will you be that lucky? Are you currently at that crossroad?

What’s keeping us from making that life change? I think it’s FEAR! When you weigh your "options" in today’s economy and you’re STUCK in circumstances you can't immediately change ... all you can do is pray, be patient, and hope that one day that change will come when you'll be able to overcome the fear, step out ON FAITH and walk away from ALL the craziness and stress and be free ... FREE! (I Peter 5:7; Matt. 11:28)

In closing, a special friend told me today ... please don't make a rash decision that you may later regret. WOW! … Reality check! Did that bring me back down to earth? ... Yes indeed! I voiced my feelings (out loud not meaning to) which were based on the immediate situation I found myself in today. So, friend … if you read this ... I want to thank you for being there for me in that diminutive moment of insanity, despair and brokenness ... 

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